السياحة في البوسنة

بناءً على معطيات وتقديرات منظمة السياحة العالميّة فقد احتلّت البوسنة والهرسك المرتبة الثالثة عالميّاً من حيث معدّل النمو السياحيّ بين العامين ألف وتسعمئة وخمسة وتسعين ميلادية، وألفين وعشرين ميلاديّة. هذا وتحتوي البوسنة...

عدد مسلمي البوسنة والهرسك

The results of the census conducted by the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013 showed that the proportion of Muslims in the country was approximately 50.7%, in the first official census conducted by the government since 1991, as it showed that the population in this republic is approximately 3,591,159 people The study announced that the percentage of females reaches approximately 50.94 percent of...

أين تقع البوسنة؟

Bosnia is located in southeastern Europe in the Balkans, where it is bordered on three sides by the state of Croatia, to the north, west and south, to the east by Serbia, and to the west by the Republic of Montenegro. the ClimateThe climate in Bosnia differs between the regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the climate in Bosnia prevails in a temperate continental climate, hot in summer and cold...

البوسنة والهرسك

Officially called the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its capital Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina is included in the list of the republics of the former Yugoslavia. from the last century. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of a number of UN organizations and bodies, such as the European Council since 2002, and the Mediterranean Union as a founding member since 2008. The Republic has also become...

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